There are some simple but important points to remember before you start Noise Removal. You can change the settings so that the program diminishes the noise very aggressively, or very lightly. The program must be told what the 'noise' is to be defined as (that's your job), and then the program diminishes the 'noise' that it finds within the file, to the degree that you tell it to do so. Whichever program is being used, the concept is the same. In Librivox files, Noise Removal works by removing or reducing the amount of 'noise' between the speaking portions of our recordings. Then if anything goes wrong, you have a raw lossless copy that you can import back into Audacity. 7 Noise Cleaning with Apple's GarageBandīefore doing any processing on your file, do export a copy of your file in FLAC format (click File | Export Audio and select FLAC files from the 'Save as type' drop-down menu).
Killing remaining noises with a Compressor/Expander